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Fishing on Falkirk map
April Fool's

Castle Fish Event

Author: Greenfoot5
Published: 2024-03-31
Updated: 2024-04-08

We’re fully released, baby! V4 is finally ready. We’ve made some very significant changes to how the gamemode works though - make sure you read carefully!

If you're a member of our Ko-Fi each week, we post a more in-depth list of changes detailing how and what we're working on. It's the best way to support the server's development!

Castle Fish

After feedback from many players over a long period of time, we’ve realised that V3 Castle Siege didn’t engage as many people as we wanted to. Therefore, we bring you Castle Fish!

The original gamemode was exciting, but there have been several remakes and even games outside Minecraft. When remaking V4, we designed a fishing minigame for players to enjoy while there weren’t many players online. We found simple joy in sitting there with your hook in the water and waiting for a bite. We thought this game was bigger than a simple minigame. So, we redesigned Castle Siege around this unique and thrilling mechanic. And so, Castle Fish was born.

Capturing Flags

Throughout V3, we found simply standing around a flag post was incredibly boring for players. This gameplay seemed rather stale. Instead, you now capture flags by fishing! Carefully place your hook in, and make sure you’re ready to reel it in as soon as it falls below the water! Capturing speed is now completely based on your length of fish you capture. The initial values are experimental as we haven’t yet stress tested, so let us know what you think!

Another critical role for a team member when others are fishing to capture the flag is defence! You must protect your fishermen from being disturbed, and disturb enemy fishermen around the flag.

Fisherman Kit

Previously, all our kits fought with swords and shields, spears and bows. This won’t let you fish properly (we may look into spear fishing) so we’ve had to carefully rethink how our kits work. Our first (and currently only) kit is the Fisherman kit, where you possess a rod & 4 ladders. To attack someone, you first need to collect a weapon by fishing, the weapon being a fish. There are currently 3 fish available:

  • Cod - Deals 30 damage but only lasts for 3 hits
  • Salmon - Deals 45 damage but only lasts for 2 hits
  • Pufferfish - Thrown like a snowball dealing 30 damage on hit and applying poison I for 5s.

The kit also has some carefully curated leather fishing gear for you to walk around in. This is also counting as our first test session for the stats, so we’ll see how it goes!

Check out a trailer for the new kit here

Event Rewards

We will be giving away two brand new cosmetic types, a title & chat colour! Chat colour can be set after the event finishes, but we need a bit more time for the title to be added, so bear with us. Open chat showing off the new title & chat colour

You can earn the unique chat colour by reaching #1 in the leaderboard when the event ends. You can earn the unique title by placing in the top 3 in the leaderboard when the event ends.

If we have loads of players log on we may give the titles/chat colours to more players either at the top of the leaderboards or in giveaways

If you’d like to view how the title & chat colour look during the event, owners will have the title & chat colour equipped to show them off (they will later be removed unless we win the rewards)

Map Rotation

We’ve had to update our maps to allow players to fish while on the map. Each flag has at least one puddle/pool to fish in as well as other locations around. The current rotation looks like this:

  • Elwynn
  • Falkirk
  • Frostnorst
  • Gregynog
  • Hall of Hercules
  • Moria (Blackstone Variant)
  • Pirate Ambush
  • Ratsnest
  • Toumont

Other Changes

Most of these have been covered by the Ko-Fi posts, we’ll be releasing gradually some and pop a complete changelog out later this week. For now, here’s a quick list:

  • Added Hall of Hercules as a new map
  • Added the option for developers to manually set a chat colour & title
  • Updated many of the ranks titles & server messages
  • Chat messages are now reportable to Mojang
  • Added /flags
  • Updated settings & added a icons stats scoreboard